
By Poppy

Summer flowers

Day off today and managed to spend most of it in the garden. Everything is growing really well, think the haar, mist and damp but warmish weather has done it all a power of good.

Made an interesting discovery with the bread maker - you really DO need to put water in, otherwise you end up with scorched flour and a foul smell when you open the lid 5 hours later! Hey ho, one lives and learns!

Pulled up all the nettles round the hen shed this afternoon. I can still feel all the stings tingling! Next time I shall wear long trousers and sleeves, but it was so sunny and warm that it seemed such a shame to cover up. The garden is looking really good, but the dreaded forget-me-not is everywhere, with its good friends chickweed and Goose grass or Stickywilly, as it is know here. Ollie is doing his best to spread it about by trailling lengths of it around on his coat - looks very fetching! Trying to be more relaxed about the weeds - there are only so many hours in the day and I would much rather be enjoying the garden rather than cursing it!

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