Friday Foto

By drmackem

Drawing to a close

A pleasant end of season feel about the place here. We have a party with friends tonight, but otherwise beginning to gear up for a new year. The decorations and cards won't last long and will all be packed away by work time Tuesday.

So this is probably a final Christmas decoration blip, and reminds me what it is I mean to celebrate.

Picked my mum up from Durham yesterday, I've decided it's like having a teenager back from Uni. She stayed up late, slept in 2 1/2 hours after we got up, is helping us empty the fridge and we are dropping her off at mother in laws for a sleep over with their girlfriends after tea, but she'll be back for roast dinner tomorrow. She's 80 next week and she is amazing (her passion for Newcastle united aside).

regarding my rant about odd mathematical formulas yesterday, thanks for the wise common sense offered, I read the rest of the chapter which continued... But you don't need to know about that, intuition is what you need to develop. It got me thinking though that those renaissance dudes would make intriguing blip mates, they would have loved hotography

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