
By cyclops


I've taken a couple of days off work to go up to a house the family has on the West coast near Achiltibuie. I'm with my dad, who has been coming to this place since he was a wee boy, as have I. A lot of memories here for both of us!

We put a new roof on the house last summer - quite an operation involving about 15 family and friends (including fellow blipper 77), and a helicopter airlift of materials as the house is about a mile from the nearest road. The weather was against us however, so the job was never quite finished - we got both sides of the roof on but not the ridge piece at the top.

Fortunately the roof has survived the winter gales, and in spite of not being watertight the house is completely dry inside.

The forecast for today had turned wet and windy since we planned the trip on Friday, but when we got there at about 1pm it was dry and bright, and the wind was from the NW so the house was mostly sheltered. With the weather smiling on us, we got the ridge fitted!

It did start raining the minute I came down the ladder for the last time, so this is a blip of the inside of the roof!

Tomorrow if the weather holds up we'll do the lead flashing around the chimneys, and then the house will be watertight again and we can start moving all the stuff back in from the shed!

Hopefully it will stay dry long enough for me to take the camera outside and blip the house properly.

Before I go:
- Thanks for your e-mail about yesterdays blip Mum - you are sweet!
- I miss you mrs cyclops! See you later tomorrow!

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