Pass the baby

My brother Scott (Alfie's dad) passes Catie (10 weeks old) to my Mum while Alfie (9 months old) crawls over to Mark (Catie's dad). My cousin Donna (Catie's mum) came over to visit with her family and the babies were the stars (although the parents are pretty awesome, too, and looked great). I was an observer, but did manage to grab some cuddles from both babies. It was the first time I'd met Catie and she's a real sweetie. I remember when Alfie was that tiny.

We tried to go for a walk around Loch Morlich this morning, but we had to turn back because of a snowstorm on the A9. There's no snow at all in Inverness - just wet and grey. However, my parents are pleased that there's none of the cold, icy stuff on the ground - it's a lot easier to get about without it.

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