The Day I....

By Paega

The Day I Finished With Facebook

It was all going very well. Then a "Facebook" incident saw the house in tears.

I can't tell you how much I hate that application. People use it to have a go at one another. People take offence with one another. People misconstrue. I have seen nice people say really out of character nasty things and I have seen not so nice people live up to my opinion of them.

My own Facebook account gathered dust for much of the time. I had my blips posting to it and I would make the odd comment and get the odd invite but most of my visits there just made me wonder what on earth people were thinking of.

Well I just closed it and I can promise it won't reopen.

Enough of that nonsense. Back to and a world of calm, creativity, curiosity and constructive comments. Today's blip is of a young girl looking out to sea. She reminded my of my daughter when she was that age.

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