At Play

So 2011 comes to an end, Has it been good? memorable? Aye, it has been great!

High points are just watching the girls getting bigger, A as she reads more, R as she has now started school and little baby B no longer being a baby and walking and running and coming out with new words everyday. Yes there are days, actually more like the occasional 5 minutes when everything goes pear shaped but is that not what life is all about.

I have heard loads of new music this year and been to a decent share of wee gigs. I have cemented my resolve to not pay more than 15quid for a gig as the two worst were the most expensive, Mogwai and PJHarvey. One real gig highlight was Withered Hand/Wood Pidgeon/Eagleowl/Meursault at the Queens Hall.

Resolutions, I don't do.

Even with all the new music that I go through I have been listening to this today and is it not just one of the greatest songs ever.

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