The Year of Being Sixty

By Leslie52

the day before the Year of Being Sixty

Probably the last photo I'll take with my orange Canon SD1400 cause I just bought a Canon A3300IS. Love the SD1400 but decided to try something new just for the hell of it. Plus I like the cherry red color.

Thought I'd record the last day of my 59th year before the Year of Being Sixty starts tomorrow. Can't hardly believe I'm going to be sixty, except when I look in the mirror. Seems like my 30th birthday, when I got drunk on Jack Daniels and got a tattoo, was just a few years ago.

I think time flies so fast now because everything is so immediate. Between cell phones, computers, texting, etc there's no delay for hardly anything any longer. Everything happens the instant you think to do it. I long for downtime from all my electronics, which is why I've begun writing cards to people I care about and asking them to write back - not text, not email, but a real handwritten card where I can recognize their handwriting and imagine them sitting at their kitchen table or in a cafe, jotting out their thoughts to me.

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