Emily - Stationary.
And, apparently, delighted about something.
Shot a few things around town, most of which can be repeated, I doubt if Emily can.
We had to venture downtown on a meat-hunt: and, of course, had the usual brew in the Arcade Cafe.
These three kids must have been the gentlest, quietest, most biddable, most exuberant trio I've ever set eyes on.
Emily, first, walked to, and pointed at, one of the high-chairs. They all sat and ate/drank as appropriate to age.
On completion Emily was down and never still. None of them made any screamy noises, ran into any-one or did anything I saw which necessitated any cautioning from Mam.
I think I shot 2/3 of today's potential Blips in there, all surreptitiously and therefore, mostly out of focus, but this I couldn't turn down.
OH! And while I remember, either a Happy New Year or a Braw Hogmanay as the border depicts.
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