fovea centralis

By fovea

welcome back

while i don't mind traveling alone, i did miss B a lot today. It was a lonely wait at the gate, though he did stay for a while with me before going through security. And it was an even longer and lonelier wait for my bag and the bus to the remote south parking lot where my car was waiting to carry me home. my car however, didn't want to leave apparently. dead battery.

mild panic attack. i was in the remote south airport parking lot at 8:15pm. A good 40 minutes plus from my apt and people i know.

breathe. think. act.

i walked back to small booth where the bus dropped me off to see about getting a jump. luckily, a friendly guy said this happens frequently and that he had a portable generator with cables. I hopped into his van and off we went to my car.

After three tries with the portable generator we discovered it was apparently dead too. of course. So, I said I have cables can we just hook up my car to your van for a jump. the guy replies: "i am not suppose to do that." of course!

It didn't take much convincing--thank god. He said "I didn't do this" and went to move his van into position, meanwhile, I put my car into neutral and guided it out of the spot while pushing with my foot.

Once hooked up. My car jumped to life with one turn of the key. As we unhooked the cables I slipped the guy a five dollar bill and said "I didn't do this". He let out a little laugh and smiled. I thanked him. We said happy new years and then parted ways.

Hope everyone out there is having a wonderful and safe new years eve. Wishing you all blessing and joy in 2012!


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