For the family

By RonaMac

Back again!

Looks as though we are on the feeding route for this pheasant.

We watched the firework display from London on the TV after midnight,,, really spectacular. If they do a similar thing for the Olympics it will be awesome.

Following a tradition for New Year's Day, I watched the concert from Vienna on the TV (B was on his computer as usual, so just listened). Having been there recently and seen the exterior of Belvedere Palace where the ballet scenes were shot made it all the more significant. I have set the system to record the full concert which is repeated tonight, so that I can listen to it again in the future.

Continuing with my "day off activities" I'm watching the making of War Horse, the stage production, on TV. I've read the book and kept promising to book tickets!!! This is on the list of must do, now that I have a better understanding of the complexity in translating the story to a stage show. Just incredible!!!

Back to duties, duck for dinner, so need to get prepared.

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