A Dog's Dinner

By G

Instant Karma's Gonna Get You..

Ruaridh, The Wonder Dog, The Scourge of the Deer, The Monarch of the Glen, The Basher of Bunnies, went a hunting today and came back with one dead rabbit.

Unfortunately for him this Pierre Lapin decided to make a final bid for freedom through a nettle patch with the result that His Majesty got stung on the eye. Now he looks like the canine version of Rocky.

He's nursing his eye as we speak,no doubt building up his strength for another round in the morning.

..and more excitement...
.....today we spotted a shoal of mackerel about two or three metres from the shore at the above beach. They must have been following another shoal smaller fish or they were being chased by something larger, maybe a seal or a porpoise.

It's all go.

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