Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Beautiful Blakelaw?

Thoroughly depressed by everyone's international sunny New Year's Day photographs I decided to go for a walk and get some fresh air. It's a very grey and dismal day on Tyneside. There are no buses or metros, I have no food, and the supermarket is closed. I was beginning to feel like a caged animal.

There aren't many places to walk nearby so I went on google maps and saw that Blakelaw Park was a short walk away. As soon as I left the house it began to rain and when I got to the park I realised that it was the most depressing park (place?) I have ever been to. On the way home though some lovely clouds came out over the park I had just walked to and having never used the panoramic setting on my camera, I decided to give it a shot. Needless to say some heavy editing went on when I got home (I also discovered graduated tint), but that's what it takes to make Blakelaw look beautiful. And now I am cheered up :-)

Seriously considering getting an SLR for my trip to India. Has anyone got any recommendations for an absolute beginner?

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