Dear Heart

By dearheart


Dear Heart,
The final day in 2011. Mamma Mia has filled a corner of our kitchen with pictures I've taken over the year, to remind us that so much of 2011 was happy, rather than bitter and cross.
We had a little party in the front room this evening, with Jon, Kim, Aimee and Emily to boot. We ate Chinese food and played Trivial Pursuit, and as I predicted there wasn't nearly enough lemon chicken to go around.
Call me mushy, but I took a few moments, as we were singing Auld Lang Syne, to wish goodbye to 2011 and to congratulate myself on surviving it. Sometime over the last 12 months I became my own best friend. That doesn't seem like such a bad deal any more! I got better, and choose "betterness" every morning that I wake up, climb out of bed and face the world. This is my life, mine. And I'm starting to like that.
Happy 2012, dear Heart. (Perhaps I'll meet you this year?!)
Love, Lydia x
P.S. I won't be re-reading this letter, lest the Chinese food takes this opportunity to revisit after the sentimentality of the last few minutes!

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