
By Poppy

Don't throw it away - recycle it!

Ollie retrieving a milk container!

Mr P had a report of a dead dolphin on the beach so we went to examine it. It was pretty recently dead, but the gulls had been at it, so it wasn't in a blippable state. Had amazing teeth - dozens of little sharp pointy ones. Most likely was a white sided dolphin, but should get a definite identification tomorrow.

As we were on the beach, Ollie made the most of it and had a great time, chasing and retrieving plastic bottles. Not as poetic as chasing sticks, but there are a lot more of them than sticks on our beaches, being a treeless group of islands! A lot of the plastic comes from Scandanavia, but most is British. Mr P was throwing them a long way out, and Ollie was having to swim through some big waves, even though it wasn't very deep. Poor Ollie was having a super time, it was me who was frightened!

Great day at work - no dentist, so the surgery was closed and I was the only staff member in. Nice and quiet so got loads of things done and caught up with lots of paperwork! Like every job now, it is the paperwork that takes up the time, rather than treating the patients. We need days like this every so often, just to catch up!

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