Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Laying the old to bed.....

New year's Eve.....

A bit of a problem when you have tried out all the diversions that there are to offer, expensive, cheap, near, far, Posh, relaxed, friends, strangers, alone, crowds and everything in between.

One thing I do like to the sun set, closure, no-more, to see it drop below the horizon.....magical. Our ancestors understood the power of the Sun, where it arose and fell, if you have ever been to StoneHenge then you will know what I mean.

This year, sunset was with my Dearest friends....anyone who reads these little thoughts of mine will know what value that has to me, far be it from me to cheapen how I feel about them by trying, with my simple words, to express it!

It is just another day.....and for all our silliness it means not much really, I have lost good friends this year, have seen pain in the eyes of loved ones, shared great joy and laughed till I was fit to burst, gone to incredible places and stood very still, let's hope for more of this thing called life.

Happy new year!

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