Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


What started in the East with a bang became a bit of a washout by the time it hit Ilkley, the New Year seem to run out of steam when it first footed it's way through my door, perhaps I should take up the drink a bit more often, the world would seem a rosier place then!
A wet January morning but I was determined. It to waste it cooped up in the house, I took a long, damp & muddy walk up the moor which lifted the spirits and dismissed the black dog that's been following me for a couple of days.
On the subject of dogs, just after I had taken this photo six very excited Springer Spaniels started splashing about in the stream that runs over the path, I'm sure it would have made an interesting blip but thought it rude to snap away without asking the owners, by the time they reached me the dogs had run on to further adventures.

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