Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


Today I went in to work briefly, and afterwards popped in to Fresh at Leura - one of the few cafes whose coffee I can happily drink, and who roast and sell their own beans. Between Fresh and where I had parked the car, I encountered this striking fellow/lady,Man's snapped off a few photos.

In Filterstorm Pro I cropped the original pic to 2:3, then sharpened it moderately. I decided to apply the sharpening just to the cockatoo, and did so by way of the colour-match tool. The effect of that was to create another layer with the sharpen filter, and a layer mask affecting just the white (within a range) in the image. I then edited the layer mask, erasing all the bits around the bird. Then I set the blend mode to 'screen', so as to lighten/brighten the feathers, and brought the opacity down to perhaps 2/3. Finally I raised the contrast in that layer - which because of the mask meant it only applied to the feathers, leaving the rest of the image untouched.

... Then I decided that had blown out some of the breast feathers and lost some detail. Also, looking again at it, I decided to go with the original 4:3 image. This time then, all I did was paint on a mild sharpen filter to the cockie, and then pull down the luminance curve for everything else.

Simpler. Betterer.

Here's the unprocessed version.

Large version here.

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