Diana_Field Photography

By dianafieldphoto

Day 365 / 365!!!!!!!!!!


I made it! Yet it does not feel like the end... I am addicted, and will continue. Maybe not every day, but definitely most days!

Thank you to all the support and everyone who commented on my photos, who put up with the days my photos were so boring and mundane and rubbish and also liked the better photos in the project!

Thank you to the Facebooker's who put up with my daily postings and didn't press the 'unlike page' button when you got fed up with seeing my boring photo posts! Thank you to the Blipper's who helped me along in many generous ways! Really appreciate it! Shocked by the generosity of the support here! Thank you!

However, I still have 5 days til the 'Blip 365' so 5 days to go until that, but in general, I know I will continue it anyway!

I've learnt many things, and its been interesting to be able to look back at every day in the year and remember what happened like it was yesterday just from a photo. This year has gone so fast, this has especially made it go fast! However I'm glad 2011 is over, looking forward to making 2012 much better!

Its been the most difficult year yet, but couldn't have got through it without some amazing people I will forever be grateful, loving and caring back, thank you to those special people! I hope they know who they are. :)

Definitely some amazing things have happened such as my Diploma course was so much fun and I learnt so much!

My first official year of Wedding Photography, a total of 8 weddings! I have 1 booked for 2012, hoping to top that number or equal it! So thank you to all my amazing Bride and Grooms!

Battle of the Brides was an incredible experience so I can't wait to upload photos from that once the TV show is aired!

An on/off year, hoping 2012 will be better overall but 2011 did hold some pretty amazing stuff too! Woo!

Off and out. I'll be back tomorrow (On Blip) hehe :)

Diana xxxxxxxx

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