One of these years, I'll manage it.

For, lo these many moons, I have harboured an ambition to capture sun-rise and sunset on the same panorama on the shortest day.

As a general rule, I might if I'm very lucky see sunrise followed deep overcast for the rest of the day.

The alternative scenario is a reet murky, slow lightening, which passes for dawn to then see a reasonable sunset.

Consequently, I keep taking shots in ''the ayfullness of the emm'' then finding my efforts thwarted.

Today I got as near as I ever have.

The ''rise'' is a faint glare, extreme left, the ''set'' will occur shortly heralded by the weak and feebly beams on the right.

At least I've proved to myself it is a possibility, certainly with the new wider angle thingy.

There may/will be more.

You have been warned.

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