It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Nanna Nap!

Well after a lovely crazeeeeee few days everyone went home at lunchtime today :-( I was VERY sad to see them go but VERY tired. Mum and daddy were busy doing a bit of tidying around and then they popped their heads around the lounge door and saw me like this!!

I had fallen asleep and a pillow had fallen on top of me! I was so tired that I couldn't be bothered to kick it off! So I stayed like this for a good few hours *giggle*

Mum and daddy then had a nanna nap by the fire and I used this time very productively. You see I found the cat litter box! Ooooooo I have been after that box for a while, it is tucked away in a corner of daddy's office and I am not normally allowed near it but today...........he hee heeeeee! So I stuck my head through the flap and dragged it all out and shredded up the newspaper everywhere too. It was BRILLIANT fun.

The only problem was that Mum and daddy were not impressed at all..........oops! Not a great start to my being good New Years Resolution!

Bye for now!
Lily xxx

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