Long Time Coming . . .

Well today winter really arrived with sleet, snow and cold winds, grey skies - an indoors day. Then I noticed it was . . . . a special blip day!

I'm not making a big deal of reaching 365, a year's worth of blips, as not completed in 1 year. I started on 18 August 2010, Cameron's first day at school. Seems such a long time ago. Some days it's just not been possible, but maybe that shows a lack of committment to a project. I think maybe that's true of me, start things off with a flourish, but then have little lapses when not as keen, and some projects that I have started have just been abandoned completely (curtain material!).

My SP here was done quite late in the afternoon. And in B&W so you can't notice the "waiting to be coloured" grey halo!

Have I learned more about photography than I do when I started back in August 2010? Yes, for sure, thanks to the help that my husband gives me. But I am guilty of rushing things, not taking time to actually get the best out of the subject. I still enjoy it though, and am still attending the Camera Club, although there are a few things that I would like to suggest to them - not sure if they would take kindly to "suggestions" from someone new.

Another bonus of doing this is the friends I have made since joining. Although only met a few in person (you know who you are), I feel like I know so many more and I must say that if you are anywhere near Perth in your travels, a warm welcome awaits:-))x


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