
By justbrian

Starry night

Last night was my last day at work for a while.

Today I have been to my Mam and Dad's for a lunch/teatime meal, all my family were there, the three kids, two girlfriend, a mother in law and Alice.

I only had four hors sleep off my shift then launched into a huge meal and copious amounts of alcohol.

To sober up a bit I went out for a walk and blipped trhis, it at Big Waters, a place I have been many time before. It was freezing and windy and after only a dozen shots my camera battery died !!

I'm looking forward to a good nights sleep, tomorrow I have a 1970's G plan sideboard to collect to renovate as a project for my new house, when ever that may be but probably within the next year.

I may even blip it when I'm house bound in the next week or so.

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