The rest of forever...

By DrMac

My beautiful bunch...

What a day. Home in the early hours, delayed departure from Kathmandu meant that we were taken straight from that flight at Doha to the connection...non-stop flights through to Heathrow. Knackered. Picked up at 11pm and arrived home at elec. Nevertheless, sleep from about half two until 7am and then the start of the 'jobs'...unpack, washing, food shop, collect dogs, prepare 'Christmas' lunch and then the kids arrived. Did Santa presents, champagne and nibbles, then a full-blown non-christmassy meal of guinea fowl and the trimmings. Enough food to feed an army!! Much fun and laughter, it was so good to have them home.

And it nears 9pm, it is my bedtime. Back to school tomorrow! Argh!
Night all!

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