Rydal Caves

Another good walk out today, this time up to the caves and round Rydal water, followed by a spot of lunch in the Badger Bar.

After finding a random dice (OK I know it should be *die* but it just sounds odd) in Sam's biking stuff yesterday it has led to a new tradition of playing "Dicey Dice" on our walks. Milo LOVES it. We look for a flat stone or tree stump and then all have a go at rolling the dice. If you get a six you get a chocolate coin (or a hug if coin supplies have run out).

Weird image this one - lots of more traditional lakeland landscape-y ones, but I quite like the odd inversion of this one, and the fact that it is actually still in colour, and hardly edited at all. In case you're confused, it's the view from inside the cave.

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