
By Limbo

Happy New Year

Headed out first footing this afternoon and was delighted to be hangover free! Ended up having a bit 'too' good of a time on Friday night with friends, followed by a party back at ours, with last guests leaving at 6am = very, very, very ill Mrs Limbo!!

So no exciting blips for Hogmany, as ended up in bed at 10.15pm! First resolution.... don't get too drunk on 30th Dec next year so i can celebrate the bells!!

So anyway enough of my naughtiness... this is a photo of a local cafe, it may look as if it's shut down, as does the rest of Kirkwall over the festivities but these are barricades that are put up on all the shop fronts in the town centre to protect against the Ba. The Ba is a traditional street rugby game held on Christmas & New Years Day (except on 26th & 2nd due to it falling on a Sunday).

See photos of Ba and details here.

Happy New Years blippers!

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