Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull


Alas, January 2nd again. And alas, the well-intentioned January detox again.

No meat, no wheat, no refined sugars, no caffeine, no alcohol, no dairy. Just a whole lotta hunger and headaches.

I read an article on the Guardian website today that said that the British Liver Foundation has released a statement saying January detoxes are pointless in terms of liver health and will cause a rebound of heavier drinking throughout the rest of the year. I don't see how giving your body a bit of a break from booze and processed foods for a few weeks can be a bad thing though. And I daresay I have enough festive flab to cover the calorie deficit.

Started to get a bit excited about my New Zealand trip next month too and want to be at my best for it!

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