Back home.

Well, this has been home for the last couple of days. The room doesn't look that big here, but it's about two and a quarter metres wide by about six metres long and has an ipod dock, free movies and tv on demand, free wifi and a massive bed. For a budget hotel it has pretty much everything you need for a short stay.

All in all the trip to Glasgow was a great couple of days and a fantastic way to bring in the New Year.

We'd been intending on an Optimo Hogmanay for the last six years or so, but either we've had people visiting or other stuff has come up so it was great to finally make one.

Even if it did leave us a bit tired. After my last blip, which must have been about five am on New Year's day some form of twisted logic dictated that, since we'd paid for breakfast and probably had no chance of waking up before they finished serving it, it made sense to just keep drinking until they started breakfast. A LOT of Jack Daniels was consumed. I pity the poor serving staff because by the time we got down at seven we were definitely the worse for wear.

By the time we'd eaten and got back up to the room we must have got to sleep by about half eight and slept right through until five o'clock. We set an alarm just in case as we had dinner booked for seven. That was the only let down of the trip to be honest. We went to quite a well regarded Steakhouse in the West end and were under the impression they were doing a reasonably priced New Year's day menu. What they didn't tell me when I booked was that they were only serving that until six. That wasn't too much of a problem as we just ordered steaks instead. My medium rare sirloin was lovely but the medium rump steak Roz ordered was more like blue to rare than medium and thanks to a big hangover and tiredness she wouldn't let me make a fuss about it. You do have to wonder about a restaurant which specialises in steaks and can't cook them properly. Don't think we'll be back there in a hurry.

We had a fairly uneventful bus ride back through today and generally a lazy day around the house. Roz is building some birthday/christmas lego as I speak so I might do a 'can you guess wat it is yet' blip tomorrow.

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