This Side Of Paradise

By kateleeharvey

Party time

Will someone please tell Harvey that its new years eve and falling asleep in his dinner is not a good way to start the festivities! We are just going round to some friends for drinks and nibbles and this picture does not bode well for a child that needs to stay up till after midnight. Amelia was good she went to sleep in the spare room at Emma and Paul's house with no fuss and stayed asleep even with all the noise and loud music going on.

I really thought Harvey would drop off at some point and i would have to carry him to bed but he kept going till 2am!!! Then he walked home with us round the corner and got into bed and stayed asleep till 10.30am the next morning. He woke up with huge bags under his eyes on new years day bless him. I felt sooo tired cos Amelia woke up at the normal time 7am for her milk so no lay in for me. What a great party New years eve was and cant beleive another year has passed. As for new years resolutions... not be pregnant this year?!?!?!

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