Lisa and the Boys

By narabug

New shoes

Had a busy day today!

This afternoon when the weather cleared Ewan and I went into Worthing. Parked in Waitrose car park, walked to the post office to return something I'd ordered a few days ago (with Ewan insistent he carry the box!). Waited in there for ages but Ewan was very well behaved and spent most of the time chatting with the man in front of us and singing the alphabet song to everyone! Then we walked down to the bank to pay in the money Ewan received for Christmas, and on the way Ewan jumped in every single puddle he could find, bringing smiles and laughter to many a passer-by! He got his trousers completely soaked, but I carry spares with me so after the bank we did a bit more splashing then got him changed into dry trousers in Debenhams. Managed to find a couple of pairs of trousers for him in the sale, too, as his other pairs are all too short.

After Debenhams we stopped on route back to Waitrose at the shoe shop, as Ewan's been telling me for a couple of days that his shoes are too small and that his feet hurt. Looks like his feet have grown with the rest of him; age 4 trousers and size 9H shoes! He decided to measure his own feet when the lady went to get the only two pairs of shoes in his size from the stock room...

At least he'll start preschool on Thursday in clothes that fit!!!

Back to Waitrose for a couple of bits, then home. On the way back Ewan was telling me how he wanted to see more rain on the car windows because he liked how it looked and sounded!

Pretty sure that's it for his naps most days now. He went off to sleep immediately again tonight (like last night), and it's the second day in a row he's just had a bit of quiet time when he's started yawning and getting less steady on his feet. Guess he needed a bit of extra sleep whilst he was growing (more!) and now he's past that spurt he's okay without a nap.

Been reluctant to say so until now as every time before when I have I've jinxed it, but he seems to have the knack with toilet training now. Next step will be getting him standing!

I love how his personality is shining through now. He's so adorable! It made my day when the man he'd been talking to in the post office told me what a brilliant job I've clearly been doing with him, and how patient I am considering his clearly cheeky, vibrant personality!

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