The Cliffes

By MummyMouse

Good bedtime!

Well today has been a manic one, am posting this blip quickly on my tea break before more typing up coursework, as the 16th is coming up quick!

I stayed up till 4.30 am getting work typed up, in a legal skills book i found some useful tips that really hit home and managed to do some i was pleased with. Very grateful to have Adrian home this morning as he kindly let me sleep in and catch up on zzzzz

My dad had a check up at the hospital at 2, as usual they were running late so he didnt get seen until nearly 3, but all good news! Dr is very pleased with how he has recovered after surgery and his next appointment will be in July!
Only one more appointment on Jan 11th for results of CT scan and hopefully dad can have a rest for a bit, without worry?

He is joking to all and sundry his next op will be a gastric band, as after going down to 9stone at the worst stage of cancer, he is now a portly 14 stone and very pleased to have his appetite back again.

Wind damage all over the place coming back from the hospital, took a very unusual route to the supermarket to combat fallen trees and what not but managed to have a good food shop - always nice to go without children it gets done much quicker!

But hurrah, for the first time in weeks Ava had a very good bedtime. As opposed to running out of bed every five minutes she went to bed with her PoohBear teddy and went straight to sleep, so i thought i would capture a picture of this for today's blip.

Anyway, time to finish up the tea and crack on with another evenings coursework session, i aim to finish it all by the 11th so i have a week to revise for the family law exam on 17th, heres to hoping!

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