It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann

Little signer

Well we all got through my first day back at work. It was not nice leaving my babies but needs must and I realised during the course of the day that I have a lot to be thankful for and a couple of days at work in a big long week will not be all that bad.

Here we have poorly boy showing off some more of his signing (chicken, to the uninitiated!). He's communicating so much now and really cracks me up when he randomly goes through his repertoire of signs till he gets to one that seems right for the context becoming more frantic with each one, or is that just me? "dog, phone, duck, frog, bath, down, food, bed, horse?" Even better though is when he hits the jackpot and gets the right sign first time, especially when it's a less common one like butterfly or penguin.

He has his glasses on too. They normally last a minute or 2 before being pulled off, folded and handed back to me!

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