A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Being a grown up

Being a grown up is sometimes hard! Being a grown up means that you have to be the 'bigger person' sometimes and apologise when you've been out of line. Today I have had to be a grown up - I have apologised to a colleague for being rude yesterday. I shouldn't have been rude, although I was angry / a bit narked (justifiably).

But being a grown up means that I know that apologising (and meaning it, which I do) actually puts you in a position of strength.

Whilst tidying up at home tonight, I noticed my little dressing table was very nicely arranged for a blip - a blip that upon reflection, highlights some of the things I thought were significant about being a grown up, back when I was a kid, watching my mum get ready for work or going out - having nice jewellery to wear, perfume, a dressing table. Those were the things I aspired to have

But, being grown up isnt about things or possessions, its about relationships, people and knowing how you affect other people. I know this now - have done for a while to be fair - but by apologising today made me feel so much better, its made me remember!

There endeth the sermon!

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