Today's Special

By Connections

Away Day

Having inspired you all, judging from the comments on yesterday's blip, to take up daily stretching, I did none until this evening, as I was away from home from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m.

It started with a long lunch out with a friend, who had this; I didn't eat quite that healthily, but at least I resisted these.

After lunch and a good chat at my friend's place, my next stop was downtown Bellingham to buy local organic milk and several other essentials at the Community Food Co-op. I then headed for the Fairhaven district, which as today's photo shows, is a great place to avoid rush hour traffic. There I mailed the Christmas cards (still within the 12 Days of Christmas) and bought stamps and picked up dry cleaning and returned books/checked out books at the library and went to the credit union and purchased a rug cleaning product at the vet's office to take care of Miss Annie's occasional accidents.

My last stop was a store parking lot about two miles from our house, where I picked up our every-other-week prepaid order of a dozen large organic eggs from Red Barn Lavender -- very local food, right from the farmer's hands.

I was aware all day that the moderate wind and rain I was experiencing here was a far cry from what many of you were experiencing in the UK. I hope your weather becomes more moderate soon!

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