
By MrsHollow

A new dawn

Getting ready to go back to work tomorrow. Mr H went back today and I've got the Hollow Jnrs for the day - various chores and activities planned to keep them amused. Getting up early when you have an attic is always good as you can catch some amazing sunrises and this morning was no exception. It was nice to see the sun after yestaerday's rain.

This isn't the most dramatic picture I got but I like the fact that I caught the birds in flight - complete fluke - it just adds a little something. Have a very long 'to do' list to complete today, most of it involving work. Being a teacher can be all consuming and so this year I'm going to try to make sure it doesn't and if that means saying no to a few things then so be it - time at home with Mr H and Hollow Jnrs is what relly matters - I'm never going to say on my death bed 'I wish I'd marked more exercise books' so a change in philiosphy from now on!

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