The village of Portsoy

For the first time this morning, we've taken our morning walk in flat grey light. Well, one cannot have everything. So I felt it was time that the buildings of the lovely village of Portsoy took centre stage themselves, rather than the light which they reflect or are bathed in. This is a fascinating historic village and community, and some of the history of which is reflected in these old photographs or in this book which has been left in this cottage by the owners for visitors to read.

Yesterday evening, we spent a diverting couple of hours in the pub which is practically next door, the Shore Inn, talking about communities and various other things whilst watching a bit of footie.

Anyway, must get on. Not here to amuse myself. If you know what I mean.

We did see some birds this morning though. I made some Oystercatchers take flight for Sgt Pepper, but he unaccountably prefers a picture of a snipe, which might in fact be a curlew...

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