Five things

By fivethings

Day 7 - cheeky monkey

1. I love the breakfast here. How crisp and clean and blue everything is. The food is syrupy and tasty, the orange juice fresh.

2. Today is all about shopping. There's loads we want and we've planned as we've strolled. I love my new tagine. My new napkins, my teeny tagine, my extra slippers and I LOVE the haggling involved, particularly buying the tiles in the last place. I am chased from the place with the words cheeky monkey hanging in the air.

3. A crepe later we head back to the beach, dock our hats to Lenny and take our loungers for what's left of the day.

4. A stroll round the harbour at sunset and while we wait for our reservation at Chez Sam, we have a drink on a great terrace as the sun goes down. A waiter brings us ponchos to wear.

5. An excellent meal, an excellent place, excellent staff, an excellent fire. Excellent.

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