Five things

By fivethings

Hold on, is this my 365?

1. Maths not being my strong point and not having an internet connection for about two weeks has meant that this is my 365th entry. I thought it was tomorrow. Oops.

2. I don't plan on leaving the house at any point today and can barely be arsed picking up my camera. I stick to that plan beautifully. Doctor Who, bacon rolls, Mid August Lunch, Downton, soup, Broken Flowers, bed. This photo is somwhere amidst all that, taken from the couch.

3. I think it's hilarious. I have taken a photo a day for a whole year and I am still rubbish. Rubbish. The only symbol I recognise on my camera is the shaky hand symbol. I see it every day.

4. That doesn't seem to matter though. I am chuffed to have made 365, chuffed to have crossed the line, to have acheived something so unusual, so simple, so good.

5. Next year, I'll try to get the day right and maybe not have the trademark shoogle and blur. Maybe.

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