Challenge for 2012

The weather is much more settled today. Glad to say we continue to have electricity. Yesterday was a long, long day.

Every year I set myself a challenge. Last year was to take more photos. Didn't realise that by doing this in the form of a blip how much it would become a part of my everyday life. I am getting asked more and more if I would consider taking photos for people. I am keen to do this but a little frightened too. I always take shots without a flash. I don't like the pop up flash on the camera. I have had this speedlight for years and haven't used it once so, this year, I am not going to let it intimidate me any longer. I don't know if this book will help. I need something in simple, untechnical language.

If anyone can recommend something that they think would fit the bill I would be most grateful.

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