Bingo's photos

By Adogcalledbingo

Ooooo found a ball!

Boooooo both of the humans were back to work today so I was not amused when I got left this morning! (especially as I had just had to have my eyedrops too - yuck!)

But to my surprise Mum came home to walk me at lunchtime and share her lunch with me. I was so surprise she caught me snoozing and not guarding the house (oooops!)

As we didn't have lomg for her lunchbreak we dashed up the local patch. I had a quick play with some staffy pups and then I FOUND A BALL! Balls are good but someone elses are always better!

Mum was surprised because normally I do one of two things (an normally both of these together):
1. Run off with the ball and never give it back
2. Destroy the ball immediately

Mum was very surprised because I brought it back for another throw over 20 times today. Little does she know I have a new years resolution to look after toys a bit better this year as I didn't get many for Christmas this year on the basis I don't look after them! So no boring collars for me this Christmas (well if I can keep this up - it is only day 4!)

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