No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella

Chaos in the House!

Vik and the Chaos Bros came to visit today! It was a noisy household for a few hours but lots of fun was had by all. I made cookies, which were scoffed, and lots of tea was drunk by me and vik while the boys and girl ran round the house like nutters.

At last we got them all to sit together for a photo (last time we tried this, wee D was having none of it). However, my shocking camera skills meant that I didn't get a single decent un-blurry photo of them. Ah well. Better luck next time!

A while after everyone had gone and the house was quiet(ish) once more, wee D burst into tears. I asked him what was wrong, and he wailed 'I miss my friends!'. 'Which friends?' I asked. 'Those nice boys that comed to our house today!' he said, tearfully. Awwww.

Thanks, vik & the boys, for coming to visit us! Roll on next time.

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