Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Happy Birthday my middle baby :D

Eleven today.... you little old woman you ;)

If you could bottle a persons essence and sell it,I would make BILLIONS from Eve's... for this child is the polar opposite to me and her sisters ....Eve is Kind,thoughtful,generous,good natured and teachers LIKE VERY MUCH to teach her !!! (this never happened to me,they used to hit me with black board rubbers around the skull... ahhhh the seventies... I feel wistful ANYWAY... As a baby she was 17 days early and weighted 8lbs 11oz.. yes thats right,a medium to large turkey... and she NEVER lost a weeny shard of an ounce,she was a pig bin... a little pig bin who slept from 12 midnight to 6 am from the day she was dragged out my sunroof* at 12.37 lunchtime.She then advanced at a couple of months old to the standard Jane Withers practice of hardly ever being awake...on the rare occasion she was awake she was all smiles.. and/or eating.
Two of my close friends did not see Eve awake till she was in her 5 month of life,despite popping in all the time,in a nut shell she was a corker of a baby :D

Happy Birthday sunshine chops,you are loved.

*sunroof = elective c section due to her being so enormous .... thank GOD ..... there was no way on this earth those shoulders would have fit out of my tup tup.Also,I was not going to try ;)

p.p.s hard to take photos when she kept trying to eat the cakes in the blip.....

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