This day

By snapper

Muffin man!

More damn rain! All day long and now the wind is building up!
STayed indoors most of the day, only verturing out ith doggies. Our friends who were over visiting us in Glasgo have now managed to get back over to Edinburger none the worse for their foray over to the West. We had a good two days and it was nice for the men to catch up.
Didnt have to cook dinner at all today as #2 daughter cooked the bestest ever Carbornara then she made delish cup cakes. Lucky the man who gets her for a wife

Still not getting to grips with this Coral Paintshop stuff so ill have to phone my man in Kilmartin me thinks though I have since discovered a few others who use it who might be able to help

Have a good blip evening all and thank you #2 wonderful cook daughter

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