bound up - five

8:30am and I was getting on the bike to cycle to work. A late start as it was my first day back after two weeks off.

The cycle was fairly painless, a wee detour owing to some felled trees. Work, too, was fairly painless. As expected. Inbox down from 150 to 3 by the end of the day.

That's what I call progress.

It's funny how the return to work process often involves a whole bunch of wrestling with fear, loathing and denial. We get bound up with it all. Like Woody bound up in a tape measure by the weeWeir.

But not this time.

I was actually due to go back tomorrow, but will save the holiday for another day. And I was okay with that. I don't dislike my job, many many others can't stand theirs. But I'm okay with where I am for now.

Let's just see what happens with 2012.

Home nice and early for a relaxed evening.

Buzz and Jessie were on hand to rescue Woody.

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