
By annahavana

You lookin' at me?

Aw, I feel quite sad when I see this pic because it means Sam is getting so grown up and no longer being fed by me. I have felt quite guilty that his older brother Luke was breastfed until he was 1 year old but I sort of just stopped feeding Sam in the last few weeks. He is 10 and a half months now and is a big strong boy, but still, a mother's guilt always finds it's way to get at you. It's part of my overall paranoia that he somehow less fortunate because he hasn't had the luxury of our sole attention as Luke did.

As an only child, I can honestly say there are great things about not having brothers and sisters but I am immensely glad, despite my guilt and paranoia that Luke and Sam have a brother, and hopefully a friend in each other for life.

What do my fellow Blippers think? Is it good to have brothers and sisters? X

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