Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


I know this is a bit gruesome but I'm posting it as a reminder to myself of how sore my hands were. I've had this skin condition before but it usually clears after I've applied hand cream over a couple of nights. This time it's hanging on in there and is really painful!

Well the children all returned to school today. :-( I felt a bit lost at first as, despite getting up nice and early just in case, I didn't get any calls to go and do some supply. I didn't really expect it on the first day back but you just never know. I managed to get loads of little jobs done, even updating the Christmas card list which normally gets done at Easter! I did the shopping, ironing and lots of paperwork but I've still got things to do just in case there isn't any work tomorrow or Friday. I've been threatening to do some decorating since November and I really do want to get on with it but I know as soon as I start stripping the wallpaper off, the phone will ring!

It's very windy out there tonight. I wonder how many fence panels we'll lose during the night?!

I'm feeling more positive about blipping again now and am going to see this more as a journal really than trying to take the best photograph in the history of mankind. I will try and post daily again but I'm not breaking my neck to do it like I was last time. I'm going to enjoy the experience.

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