True Colours

By HunterGatherer

Bah, humbug!

Forewarning: This is going to include a moan towards the end.

Quotes, all from Father:
27th October: "Can't believe they've started putting up the Christmas decorations. Give me strength."
4th December: "This must be the least amount of Christmas decorations I've ever seen across the country."
24th December: "Aren't the Christmas decorations in the house lovely?"
26th December: "Christmas decorations after Christmas always look so naff, don't they?!"
4th January: "Shame the Christmas decorations are coming down, eh?"

Can't win!

And as for the moan: I find it so unfair when you do so much work to please people but they only manage to pick out what you have failed to do. Especially if they neglected to volunteer to do said tasks in the first place. Makes you want to throw in the proverbial towel, doesn't it? As much as I am looking forward to the next six months, I imagine that the number of lie ins I will have will be able to be counted on one hand, as will the number of bed times reached once completing the day's to do list. Don't get me wrong, I love being busy, but it's nice if work gets noticed once in a while. I don't make a habit of starting out my day thinking: "How can I let this person down today?"

Must do better, I guess.

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