In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

So much for that....

Well so much for my first new year's resolution of blipping something every day! Happy January 5th!
In my defense, I've been even more of a whirlwind than usual since the beginning of December and till yesterday, when i put my Mum and sister on a shinkansen on the first leg of their journey back to Scotland. Since then I've been bedridden with 38.5 degree temperatures and other such fun.
Unfortunately Dr Dad is on all night tonight so I had no other option than to pull myself out of my pit and resume dog walking / child care duties, and clean up some of the debris of the passage of 5 people and a dog through our home over a party filled festive season.
On the plus side, there was a lovely pinkish light over the city this evening as Ella and I went out to wish the other doggies of the neighbourhood a happy new year. Crappy quality photo, but a nice walk!

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