The river

is something I haven't blipped for a while - I took a day off from jogging today and so had my big camera with me. This is relative: I'm starting to think that it would be fun to have a full-frame camera, although the price is scary.

I played with a Nikon D-7000 in a shop yesterday - I love shooting by natural light and something with better performance than my Olympus would be good. Even those cameras are a little beyond my price - and what would I do with all my four-thirds lenses ?

Times do change: I remember the delight of pushing HP4 or Tri-X up to 1600 ASA with diluted developer, and relishing the clumps of grain. Digital grain just isn't the same.

My head says: learn to do better with what's already in the camera bag. And small and light is indeed beautiful.

My heart says: buy a lottery ticket. And a second camera bag.

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