Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Cupcake Jigsaw

I did this today. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the gigantic jobs list before me, and not sure where to start, so I did a jigsaw (a new one, that MiL and FiL bought us for Christmas).

It may not be the obvious thing to do in such situations, but I have a long history of doing jigsaws. When I was seriously ill a few years ago, the ONLY thing I could do at all was jigsaws, and they calm me down.

Not that I'm really uncalm at the moment, just a little at sea as I try to sort out a new routine, catch up with the myriad bits and pieces there are to do, and work out where I go from here with applying for work and so on.

Perversely, although college was extremely tiring, and I bellyached about it from time to time, it did make life easy in that it gave me something to do and structured my week. Now I have to do that by myself.

Furthermore, I've spent the last 2 weeks with the Wonderspouse, not worrying about things being left because I was going to sort them once he went back to work.

That time has now come, and there are rather a lot of things.

And I'm still quite tired and still have a cough, so they seem like rather hard work.

Looking back to this morning, I did actually get quite a good stint of admin and sorting done. And then I had George and Henry out of their cage to play inside my jumper. I then got Charlie out of the big cage, and he sat on my shoulder and he and Henry met, nose to nose. It all went well. :-)

Of course, I should know by now that when I see a day with nothing in the diary, I always assume I can work like crazy all day, and experience tells me this isn't the case.

Must remember how to eat an elephant...

... one spoonful at a time!

My blipfoto commenting is also a bit at sea still. I'm feeling terribly guilty for not commenting more, especially after all the lovely things people said about my 730th. I really want to, but I'm feeling a bit intimidated by everything there is to do at the moment. I've pressed the Wonderspouse on joining blip - and he says this is his problem too. He'd feel obliged to comment on everyone who commented on him and he just doesn't think he could cope with the pressure.

I'm forcing myself not to worry too much about it, but I am acutely aware that I should be appreciating you all more. Once I'm back into a routine, I really hope that things will sort themselves out.

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