more goodbyes

this time the old oak table....battle scarred with criss-crossings of knife marks, splotches of spilt oil and cracks filled with old bread dough...scene of many mad baking sessions, chopped and burnt fingers, culinary triumphs and disasters. The table was found in the cellar of Mr. Spitzis grandmother's house in Germany. Judging by how it's made and the age of her other furniture, it's probably about 100 years old. I love it dearly and, like the cupboard presented yesterday, it will be taken care of and put to service elsewhere. The black stone called Shiva will take it's place and a designed-by-me and made-by-carpenter-for-me "baking area", which will be more practical and, maybe in 100 years time, just as romantic....

I found this brave parsley hanging out in the garden with some leeks. So we're having them for tea/dinner/supper...evening meal....z'Nacht.

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